Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Welcome, Mr. Bug

Having a macro lens has strengthened my curiousity. The closeness I am able to attain with the lens is incredible. So incredible, in fact, that I have adopted a new friend in the process.

Last night while in bed I looked towards the bedside lamp and saw a giant bug flying to and then away from the lamp. Imagining it was some scary black and yellow wasp I let out a scream. Ben leapt under the covers. I grabbed the fly-swatter, determined to kill whichever it was. But then I discovered that it was this handsome bug, the Leptoglossus occidentalis, or the Western conifer seed bug.

The western conifer seed bug on my plant by the window.
After doing some digging with Ben on the internet, while Mr. Bug crawled quickly on my hands, we discovered that Mr. Bug is native to the western states and, according to accounts from another bug-lover, move inside homes when it gets too cold. Mr. Bug flew around the house towards the light, he sat patiently while I took pictures (as if he knew he were the subject of some new discovery) and then I placed him outside where I felt he belonged, on our windowsill. He was a very pretty bug.

But this morning I looked out and he was still on the sill, upside down. I thought, "Oh no! I killed him." But then I poked him and he moved. So, my thinking is that it is too cold for him outside and he'd be better off staying in our apartment where it is warm.

I think I'm odd in that way. Most people would squish him or flush him and that would be the end of that. But I can't help but feel that Mr. Bug has a sense of appreciation for me housing him from the cold wind. At least, that's my rationality. That, and he is very responsive to my playing with him and I find it entertaining.

*Update* Mr. Bug tragically died the other evening when he mistakenly flew into the web of said Mr. Spider, another occupant of Apt. 5 at 1035 West 12th. Mr. Spider proceeded to cast his web around Mr. Bug, suffocating him. Oh the irony of it all.


  1. This post made me laugh. First because I was wondering if that was a fancy way of saying Pine Beetle, and that your BC living parents might have less than polite things to say about you harbouring the scourge of our local trees. But I don't think it is. And second because you have a marvelous attachment to your new lodger. Hope you enjoy your teeniest of pets!


  2. ha thank you Alisha. It snowed today too and reassured my decision to keep him warm inside.


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